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Add response variable summaries to targets


ar_summarize_targets(associations, response_var, fun = mean, ...)



an associatoR object containing association data as generated by ar_import.


a variable in the responses tibble of the associatoR object.


a function used to summarize response_vars for each target, defaults to mean.


additional parameters passed on to fun.


Returns an associatoR object where targets gains an additional column including the target summary calculated from the responses table's response_var using fun.


          participant = participant_id,
          cue = cue,
          response = response,
          participant_vars = c(gender, education),
          response_vars = c(response_position, response_level)) %>%
  ar_set_targets(targets = "cues") %>%
  ar_summarize_targets(response_position, fun = median)
#> ── An associatoR object ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> participants
#> # A tibble: 1,000 × 3
#>      id gender education  
#>   <dbl> <chr>  <chr>      
#> 1     1 male   high school
#> 2     2 male   high school
#> 3     3 male   high school
#> 4     4 male   high school
#> 5     5 male   high school
#> # ℹ 995 more rows
#> cues
#> # A tibble: 804 × 1
#>   cue         
#>   <chr>       
#> 1 intelligence
#> 2 Einstein    
#> 3 books       
#> 4 IQ tests    
#> 5 college     
#> # ℹ 799 more rows
#> responses
#> # A tibble: 29,882 × 5
#>      id cue          response     response_position response_level
#>   <dbl> <chr>        <chr>                    <dbl>          <dbl>
#> 1     1 intelligence Einstein                     1              1
#> 2     1 intelligence books                        2              1
#> 3     1 intelligence IQ tests                     3              1
#> 4     1 intelligence college                      4              1
#> 5     1 intelligence smart people                 5              1
#> # ℹ 29,877 more rows
#> targets
#> # A tibble: 804 × 2
#>   target       response_position
#>   <chr>                    <dbl>
#> 1 intelligence                 2
#> 2 Einstein                     1
#> 3 books                        2
#> 4 IQ tests                     2
#> 5 college                      4
#> # ℹ 799 more rows