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ar_cross_targets creates tables counting targets among responses, for each combination of participant varable groups seperately.


ar_cross_targets(associations, participant_vars, target_var, normalize = FALSE)



an associatoR object containing association data as generated by ar_import with targets defined by ar_set_targets.


a variable name vector specifying the participant varables to group counts with.


a variable name specifying the targets variable group counts with.


a logical scalar, indicating if counts should be normalized to the participant varable groups. Defaults to FALSE.


Returns a tibble containing grouped counts, or grouped counts normalized within participant variable groups if normalize = TRUE.


# one participant variable, no normalization
          participant = participant_id,
          cue = cue,
          response = response,
          participant_vars = c(gender, education),
          response_vars = c(response_position, response_level)) %>%
  ar_set_targets(targets = "cues") %>%
  ar_embed_targets() %>%
  ar_cluster_targets() %>%
  ar_cross_targets(participant_vars = gender, target_var = cluster)
#> 456 targets with count < min_count were dropped from embedding.
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    gender cluster        n
#>    <chr>  <chr>      <int>
#>  1 female cluster_1   1525
#>  2 female cluster_2   1127
#>  3 female cluster_3   1371
#>  4 female cluster_4   1100
#>  5 female no_cluster  1456
#>  6 male   cluster_1   1163
#>  7 male   cluster_2   1764
#>  8 male   cluster_3    965
#>  9 male   cluster_4    833
#> 10 male   no_cluster  1331

# two participant variables, normalized
          participant = participant_id,
          cue = cue,
          response = response,
          participant_vars = c(gender, education),
          response_vars = c(response_position, response_level)) %>%
  ar_set_targets(targets = "cues") %>%
  ar_embed_targets() %>%
  ar_cluster_targets() %>%
  ar_cross_targets(participant_vars = c(gender, education), target_var = cluster, normalize = TRUE)
#> 456 targets with count < min_count were dropped from embedding.
#> # A tibble: 20 × 4
#>    gender education   cluster    proportion
#>    <chr>  <chr>       <chr>           <dbl>
#>  1 female high school cluster_1       0.142
#>  2 female high school cluster_2       0.165
#>  3 female high school cluster_3       0.300
#>  4 female high school cluster_4       0.176
#>  5 female high school no_cluster      0.217
#>  6 female university  cluster_1       0.130
#>  7 female university  cluster_2       0.156
#>  8 female university  cluster_3       0.225
#>  9 female university  cluster_4       0.262
#> 10 female university  no_cluster      0.226
#> 11 male   high school cluster_1       0.137
#> 12 male   high school cluster_2       0.275
#> 13 male   high school cluster_3       0.242
#> 14 male   high school cluster_4       0.118
#> 15 male   high school no_cluster      0.228
#> 16 male   university  cluster_1       0.139
#> 17 male   university  cluster_2       0.298
#> 18 male   university  cluster_3       0.184
#> 19 male   university  cluster_4       0.169
#> 20 male   university  no_cluster      0.210